Numerous studies have linked Paraquat, a commercial weed killer, to Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s disease is an incurable neurological disease that kills nerve cells in the brain, leading to impaired brain function and movement.
Victims claim the manufacturers of Paraquat failed to warn the public about the dangers of using the product. If you or someone you love developed Parkinson’s disease from using Paraquat, you can file a lawsuit that will compensate you for lost wages and medical bills.
Filing a claim against Paraquat’s manufacturer could also encourage other manufacturers in the herbicide industry to test their products thoroughly before selling them.
The Justice can help you find a qualified legal professional who can help you take legal action and guide you through the legal process.
The National Institute of Health (NIH) conducted a study in 2011 that comprised of 80,000 agricultural workers and farmers. Compared to the general population, the study showed that agricultural workers had an increased risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. A DNA study and other research further validated this link.
This evidence alone prompted many countries to ban Paraquat. Licensed applicators are the only people who are allowed to use Paraquat in the United States. People who likely suffered injuries due to toxic exposure include:
Parkinson’s disease is the most common injury associated with Paraquat usage. It is a nervous system disorder that debilitates over 60,000 Americans each year.